Effects of Disharmony Between the TMJs and Occlusion

If I were writing the curriculum for a four-year dental education, I would start in the freshman year by asking the question, “How does disharmony between the TMJ’s and the occlusion […]

Common Bimanual Manipulation Mistakes

3 Common Bimanual Manipulation Mistakes While many in the profession maintain that bimanual manipulation is too hard to learn, after they are taught the correct technique, dentists attending The Dawson […]

Dentists: When You Should Use Anterior Deprogramming Appliance & Why

Lucia jigs, NTI’s, Cranham deprogrammers, and Dawson B-Splints all fall into the broad category of temporomandibular joint disorder diagnosis appliances.  There are specific reasons as to why you may want […]

Signs of Occlusal Instability Continued

Due to our recent blog on Signs of Occlusal Instability, we’ve received a great comment from one of our followers.  The reader asked for a more detailed discussion on checking […]

Signs of Occlusal Instability

By Dr. Shannon Johnson Good Vibrations? As clinicians, the very purpose of our dental exam is to thoroughly evaluate each patient for any sign of instability that will lead to […]

How Does the Occlusal Plane Relate to the Anterior Teeth?

One of the most common mistakes I see in occlusal restorations is also the easiest mistake to observe. It is interference of the posterior teeth with the anterior guidance. A […]

From the Inbox of Dr. Peter Dawson

Dr. Dawson receives emails and letters from clinicians all over the world asking questions and looking for clarification on all matters of Functional Occlusion and challenges in dentistry. From: A […]

How to Utilize a Dental Assistant to Equilibrate the Dentition

Equilibration or reshaping of teeth is one of the procedures taught at the Dawson Academy.  The equilibration process begins with step 7 in the 10 Step 3D Treatment planning Checklist […]

How Do You Know If You Achieved Centric Relation?

When we talk about utilizing bimanual manipulation as a way to get centric relation, one of the biggest misunderstandings we see is the tendency for dentists to think CR is […]