To find out more about an introductory course, simply click on the course name below. If you have any questions on specific aspects of the courses, or for a customized curriculum, please contact us at 1.800.952.2178 or fill out the course advisement form.
Embark on the first course in your transformative journey with Occlusion & Smile Design. Elevate your dentistry to the top 10% as you explore occlusal stability, patient communication, case acceptance, and practice management, all underpinned by timeless principles for harmonious and predictable restorative care. Experience the fusion of function and aesthetics, analog and digital workflows, and ignite your practice’s efficiency and fulfillment in ways that reshape your approach to dentistry. This course can be taken in person, or online.
This dental seminar is the recommended first step in our dental seminars continuing education. As the foundational seminar in the “Concept of Complete Dentistry® Series,” you will learn the timeless message that good, esthetic and complete dentistry must begin with a thorough understanding of dental occlusion and the functions of the masticatory system. Discover the cornerstone of The Dawson Academy philosophy, a comprehensive understanding of how the TM joints, muscles, proprioceptive input, lower anterior teeth, upper anterior teeth, lower posterior teeth, and upper posterior teeth are designed to function in harmony with one another.