3 Signs of a Bruxer

Discovering a Bruxer with Tooth Wear

Extreme bruxingThe obvious signs of a bruxer that we see on a daily basis are worn teeth. Aside from that, you can also have teeth that are loose, cracked, breaking, fractured, and also teeth that have abfractions. But most of the time, we see worn teeth and teeth that are worn into the dentin as the bruxism occurs over a period of time.

Discovering a Bruxer with Muscle Pain

bruxer headache

Some of the other things we might see include, sore and tight muscles, especially the temporalis and the masseter muscles. These muscles can also be enlarged and swollen and definitely tender to palpation. A lot of times we’ll also see headaches in these patients because of the soreness and the tightness in these muscles.

Discovering a Bruxer with Tori

Tori in posterior lingualAnother thing that we see every once in a while is the presence of tori. As the body bruxes, more bone is produced, and it can lead to the presence of tori, and we also see a lot of times, a thick periodontium because the bone is so thick, and the gums are so full that in order to support the extra forces being put on the teeth.


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