How to Remove Guesswork From Your Treatment Plans

It’s one of the most common things that we hear is when things don’t go well; in other words, if a restoration fractures.

Many dentists aren’t sure why it fractures in the first place. And sometimes a situation like that can decrease your confidence because you’re trying to find an outlet as to why this could have happened. Understanding the concept of complete dentistry will allow you to really focus in on those situations specifically.

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One of the things that we recommend is to be dedicated to the process. And what that simply means is follow through with everything that we teach you. Specifically, the checklist. That which process itself is very repetitive. And one of the things that I’ve learned for myself is familiarity breeds content. If you keep repeating the process over and over again, it becomes second nature. That in itself will increase your confidence.

There’s nothing more important than a patient listening to your recommendations and not feeling very confident in your ability. By following what we teach, you will certainly gain that self-confidence that you need and be more of an authority in recommending what you think is best for your patient.

That leads me to the second part of this conversation is that the attitude, your mindset, and your humility of doing what’s best for your patient. Dr. Dawson always has preached the concept of WIDIOM, would you do it on yourself. If you have that attitude to begin with, you will never go wrong and you’ll always think about what’s best for your patient. Those are some of the things that I would recommend as far as increasing your confidence.

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