Man smiles in dental ce at dawson academy. Text on blue background for dental student scholarship

The Dawson Academy Announces New Dental Scholarship, Empowering D4 Students with Complimentary Attendance to Core Curriculum.

ST. PETERSBURG, FL,  The Dawson Academy is thrilled to announce the launch of the Peter E. Dawson Legacy Scholarship, an extraordinary opportunity for D4 students who are eager to propel their dental careers to new heights. This scholarship program aims to provide educational support and foster excellence in restorative dentistry.

The Peter E. Dawson Legacy Scholarship invites all D4 dental students to apply for this exclusive chance to win complimentary enrollment in the 7-part Core Curriculum series, valued at over $30,000 in dental Continuing Education (CE).

Who This Dental Scholarship Is For:
– D4 students graduating and licensed by 06/2024.
– Ability to attend all Core Curriculum courses within 18-24 months.
– Strong passion for Restorative, Prosthodontics, Functional, and Cosmetic Dentistry.

All D4 dental students are encouraged to apply.

Legacy of Excellence:
Join a prestigious legacy inspired by Peter E. Dawson’s commitment to advancing dental care for all.

Financial Support:
Receive over $30,000 worth of dental CE, for free.

Network and Mentorship:
Connect with dental professionals and experienced mentors from across the nation.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024

To apply for this scholarship, click here.