Dr. Jim Lassiter DMD

Dr. Lassiter has been practicing for over 16 years. He has been practicing in his hometown of Jay, FL for the last 15 years.

Since he began practicing dentistry, Dr. Lassiter has remained current by taking many continuing educational classes, exceeding the state requirements every year, ensuring that his patients receive the most comprehensive and advanced dental care.

His most recent accomplishment is his completion of post-graduate training at the Dawson Academy in St. Petersburg, FL. At the Dawson Academy, dental professionals like Dr. Lassiter learn to examine and treat teeth as part of the overall oral system, not just as stand alone elements. This unique approach helps dentists identify underlying causes of problems, rather than simply treating the symptoms.

“Our doors are always open to new patients who are ready to receive the best in dental care. With our array of dental services

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