One of the biggest challenges dentists face is implementation. It can be even more difficult when this implementation is based on the Dawson philosophy that is foreign to most teams. This live stream will demonstrate how your enhanced knowledge and skills can be applied throughout your daily practice to create a complete care success.

As a Dawson student, scholar, and faculty member, Dr. Brian Sang has met and instructed hundreds of dentists throughout the Dawson core curriculum. In this live stream Dr. Sang will answer the most commonly asked questions that are ‘practice related’ he receives from dentists who are in the Dawson curriculum. A few questions Dr. Sang will answer include:

  • “How can I implement this material in an insurance driven practice?”
  • “I have all my records on the patient – now what??”
  • “How can I get my team on board with what I am trying to achieve?”
  • “How do I create great looking provisionals and are they really THAT important?”
  • “How do I get my patients to say ‘yes’ to their treatment plan?”

These questions skim the surface of over 40 implementation topics Dr. Sang will review during this livestream. From setting fees to time management, this livestream is designed to answer the questions everyone wants to ask on how to become an even better dentist and build a complete care practice.