The goal for every Dawson Dental Team is to develop the skills to accurately diagnosis and treat problem cases. This is only possible through the POWER OF TESTING. Scientifically based testing leads to scientifically based diagnoses, which leads to sound treatment planning and problem solving. That’s the Dawson better way!
In this livestream course you will learn the tools and skills necessary to accurately test 3 critical components of both oral and systemic health.
1. Blood Sugar: It is a scientific fact that nutrition affects blood sugar levels, and blood sugar levels affect periodontal disease. The recent development of the continuous glucose monitor(CGM) can be used for testing all patients, not just diabetics. You will learn how to combine nutritional strategies with the CGM to create a better way to care for yourself and your patients.
2. Sleep: It is a scientific fact that the majority of TMD patients, bruxers/wear cases & GERD chemical induced enamel wear are related to airway, breathing and breathing related sleep disorders. You will learn how to utilize a simplified overnight study with high resolution pulse oximetry(HRPO) to create results that can guide your diagnosis and better treatment options.
3. Perio: It is a scientific fact that periodontal disease is driven by 5 “high risk” periodontal pathogens. These bacteria are resistant to mechanical debridement and must be managed through specific targeted therapies. You will learn how to utilize salivary testing to create a better way to manage perio disease.