ACT Dental | The Best Way to Recession Proof Your Practice with Dr. Leonard Hess
Dr. Leonard Hess, Clinical Director of The Dawson Academy, was recently featured on ACT Dental’s “The Best Practices Show.” Led by ACT’s Kirk Behrendt, Dr. Hess discusses what happens when business slows down and how it can be worrisome for your practice.
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Here’s a quote from Dr. Hess that we love,
“People are getting a veil lifted and they see things differently. Because in dental school you were really only taught to diagnose problems related bacteria: causing decay or periodontal disease. But the biggest threat to whether or not people keep their teeth long term has very little to do with bacteria and has everything to do with force and occlusion and how everything is being managed. Most people who want a dental makeover, they don’t want it because they want whiter teeth. They want it because their teeth are worn and chipped. They have teeth of a 70 year old when they’re 40 and that’s not just a good combination. So in dental school we weren’t taught how to treat those types of cases. And they’re everywhere.”