The Benefits of Using a Range of Motion Ruler

One of the keys to creating an effective and complete treatment plan is to diagnose the condition of the joint. And one of the important things to consider with the joint is what is the range of the motion of that joint?

Because the temporomandibular joint, just like any other joint in the body, should have a normal range of motion.

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And if we aren’t able to achieve that normal range of motion, that should be telling us something of the condition of the joint whether it’s muscle-based or an internal derangement of the joint.

So range of motion rulers are really simple to use.

We want to be able to measure the patient’s maximum opening and adding in the amount of overbite to that. And we should see that fall within 40 to 60 millimeters.

We should be able to protrude the mandible 8 to 10 millimeters and we should be able to go excursively 8 to 10 millimeters as well.

If you aren’t getting those numbers, it should be an indication for you to slow down and to figure out what’s going on into that joint before you move forward with any treatment.

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