Dawson Quick Tip: How to Find Centric Relation

One of the biggest struggles that our students have, as we go through this curriculum, is how to find centric relation, and certainly when I was training, I had that struggle too.

One of the things that worked really well for me was when I bought a MiniSTAR, I was able to make B-Splints. Then some of those patients that I couldn’t manipulate very easily, all of a sudden they came back, and they were so much easier; I could find centric relation so much better.

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Then I started to learn the difference between the patients that were easy to manipulate, the patients that maybe took 10 or 15 minutes with a lucia jig, and then the ones that maybe did need a few days at home.

So if you want to really start to kick-start centric relation and really try to make sure that you are there, then I’d suggest trying some B-Splints, and have those patients come back, and I think it will really improve the consistency of your results.

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