Oral Cancer Cause Aims to Improve Quality of Life

With great enthusiasm, we’d like to introduce Oral Cancer Cause, Inc. (OCC), a non-profit 501(c) 3. OCC was founded this year by Linda Miles and Robin Morrison in meScreen Shot 2013 06 26 at 9.59.16 AMmory of Charlotte Estep, Linda Miles sister-in-law, and Mike Collins, Robin Morrison’s brother. Charlotte and Mike passed away in 2012 after suffering for several years from oral cancer. Both went undiagnosed for an extended amount of time, thereby allowing their disease to progress to an advanced and untreatable stage. Linda and Robin have a combined 80+ years experience in dentistry. Their shared passion for dentistry and saving lives is the OCC inspiration.

By blending the knowledge of early detection and treatment; comprehensive oral exams along with dedicated dental/medical professionals; sponsoring partners; and dental/medical associations, OCC will make a difference in the lives of many oral cancer patients and their families.

OCC’s purpose is to improve the quality of life for oral cancer patients through financial support so that they may face the world with peace and dignity during and after medical treatment.

Who Can Join the Cause?
Are you a dentist who is committed to the overall health and wellness of your patient? Do you believe every patient should have an annual oral cancer screening, and do you provide that to your patients? Would you like to stand out in your community as a dentist who takes oral cancer and early detection/diagnoses seriously?

Funds Raised by OCC will be Allocated:
1) To provide financial help to patients and their families who face the challenges of oral cancer.
Many times, the oral cancer patient undergoes extensive treatment and surgery rendering them unable to work, thereby creating a financial strain.

2) To create public awareness about the incidence of oral cancer and the necessity of oral cancer exams for early diagnosis and successful treatment.

To Become an OCC Dentist or Learn More:
If so, OCC invites you to become an OCC dentist. As an OCC dentist, you will be provided with oral cancer educational material and will become part of the OCC awareness campaign. You can choose from several levels to support OCC. We believe in working hand in hand with our OCC practices and recognizing them as a leader in their community. For more information, please visit www.oralcancercause.org or call (727) 599-8153.

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