Quick Tip: Implementing an Office Tour

One thing that I have introduced lately into my office is an office tour. And it has been fantastic for the excitement in the office.

We have a front desk girl that is very bubbly, and excited, and fun to be around, and so she will greet the new patients as they walk in the door. And she will walk and greet them with a handshake and just say, “Hey. Let me show you around the office. Let me give you a tour.” And she starts in the waiting area and just gives a little brief description of what is going on there, offers them a water or a coffee if they would like. And then she will bring them in the back.

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And at that stage, she will start talking about the doctors and the highlights of who they are going to be seeing that day and share a few things about the doctor, get them excited about seeing the doctor, share some things about our hygiene and the new experience that they are going to have, the digital X-rays, and talk about the photos that will be taken, and talk about education, and what they are going to find as far as expect in this experience that they are just about ready to have. And they will talk about other factors and benefits of coming to our office, the complete exam, same day crowns, if needed, and other procedures.

As we have done this, I have found that patients are much more open when I come into the room. Some barriers have been broken down. We are not starting the visit with, “Hey, fill out this paper work,” and then coming back with, “Hey, we will see you in 15 minutes.” But they have already seen the office. They have got to meet some of the assistants, potentially, or the hygienists as they were talking by. And it really opens up the experience to be much more light-hearted, and friendly, and welcoming.

And just as if I were coming into an office. I have been into a doctors offices – and I am sure everybody has – where we go into a doctor’s office and the person at the front desk has their head down, and barely even looks up to give you the paperwork, and points over here to sign in. And that is certainly not the atmosphere or the environment, I think, that any of us would want to have in our offices.

If you implement an office tour, it is fun. Make it a good time with you team, and just smile, and laugh, and bring in some of the spirit and atmosphere of your office and the personnel that are there. This is a quick tip that I have enjoyed implementing in my office over the last year.

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