Quick Tip- Tips for Communicating With Your Periodontist

Today we’re going to talk about tips for working with your periodontist.

When you have that anterior restorative case where you need to change the gingival contours so you have nice symmetry to create a nice picture frame for the beautiful restorations that you’re going to place, here’s some tips on how to work with the periodontist.

Transcript continued below…


What you want to do is prior to the patient coming in to the consultation appointment with the periodontist, you want to send them:

  • A copy of the full mouth series
  • A copy of the periodontal chartings
  • A copy of the wizard, which will give them the information from the complete exam as well as your photos
  • A copy of the treatment plan.

Then what you want to do is call the periodontist, set up an appointment.

Again, this is done prior to the patient coming in to meet with the periodontist for the consultation. And at that meeting, what you want to do is review the information from the complete exam, review the photos, showing the photos too especially in the wizard– what we call the money shot that’s showing the changes in those gingival contours. Also, to have your before models, the model of your wax up, and then have a model with a stint showing those new contour heights so that they can use during surgery.

What you’re going to find is the periodontist is going to be blown away with the amount of information and the amount of detail that you’re giving them, and creating the expectations for what you want for the case.

The other thing that’s going to happen is when the patient does come in for the consultation, they are going to hear the same information from the periodontist that they’ve already heard from you when you had the consultation appointment at your office.

What you’re going to find is the periodontist is going to look to work with you when they have a patient that has these needs because of all this information that you’re giving them to help them.

So I hope you can use these tips the next time you have a case to work with the periodontist.

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