What are the signs of Occlusal Disease?


In this video, we asked Dawson Faculty, “What are the signs of Occlusal Disease?” Here were their answers:

Dr. Pio Modi:

There are many signs we know of occlusal disease where migration [inaudible] teeth. But sometimes, it’s good to look at other factors that can indicate possible grinding, bruxing, clenching. Exostoses, look at the gingiva. If you see bulbous gingiva exostoses, often that’s somebody who’s clenching or grinding, and their teeth are in constant tension.

Dr. Matthew Wolfe:

One of the main signs of occlusal disease that I notice right away on patients is the lower incisal edge, when that edge is worn down, and then you can actually see dentin exposed.

The reason I notice that right away is because when people are talking, seeing the lower incisal edge is the first thing that you see, unlike when you smile, you really see the upper teeth.

Dr. Doyle Freano:

What I found is patients very willingly talk about, “My teeth didn’t used to be in this position. My teeth have shifted or migrated.”

And so whenever a patient says that to me, I listen to that, and say “Well, you know, that’s one of the signs of occlusal disease because why do you think your teeth aren’t in the same position?”

What are signs of occlusal disease you look for? Comment below!


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