When do you fit in your treatment planning time?

We asked three faculty members, “when do you fit in your treatment planning time into your schedule?” Here were their answers…

Dr. Laura Wittenauer: What I like to do is use the time– I have an hour before I start in the morning from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM that I like to treatment plan because no one else is in the office. I have peace and quiet. And I can sit there and think, and really focus, and wax-up the case, and really, really, really put good thought and give the patient the best treatment plan possible.

Dr. Leonard Hess: Start to actually schedule that time within your week. If you don’t schedule the time, what you’ll see is that you’ll be looking for areas where you can try to work it in, and then it just becomes stressful. And what we don’t want to do is, we don’t want this to become a source of stress in our practice. We want our treatment planning process to become the gateway to make our dentistry less stressful and more predictable.

Dr. Ari Forgosh: Whenever I’m milling a crown, or I have an e.max crown in the porcelain– I have downtime where I’m not seeing a patient, and I fit in my treatment planning during those down periods. It gives me 20 minutes here, 30 minutes there where I can really just focus in the lab.

When do you like to fit your treatment planning time into your schedule? Share with us in the comments below!

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