How can I implement Complete Care Dentistry in my practice?

Have you ever wondered how you can implement complete dentistry into your practice? Do you think, “Where do I even start?” Well, here is a few tips for you that I think will help get you on the right path.

1. Understand What Complete Care Dentistry Is

First of all, you really need to come to The Dawson Academy and attend the courses because you, as the dentist, have to have the knowledge in order to be able to deliver this care to the patients. So you need to gain the knowledge so that you understand the process and really feel confident in delivering the care.

2. Establish The Process

And also too then, as the dentist, after you have gone through the courses the second thing you need to do is to create that process for your office. How is that new patient going to enter the practice? And how are you going to be taking that new patient and make them flow through?

Here’s an example new patient flow:

Good Phone Communication: First of all, you have to have someone on the phone that has good phone skills to be able to communicate all that is going on in your practice.

Administrative Review: When that patient comes in the door, having an administrative review with your treatment coordinator or your new patient coordinator.

Pre-Clinical Interview: Then moving into a pre-clinical interview that the doctor has with the patient to help them understand exactly what is optimum oral health for them. Helping them understand too, what’s normal and what is not normal when it comes to optimum oral health.

Complete Exam: And then moving that patient into the complete exam. Helping them understand what is going on. Determine the health of the joint, muscles, and teeth and how it all fits together. Then also, inviting that patient, if they are a specialty patient, to come back for records.

Records: Take records on the patient so that then you, as the dentist, can treatment plan the case in order to give the patient the best treatment plan possible. And like we always say, we want to give the patient the best treatment with the least amount of dentistry.

Treatment Plan: So after we take this information, treatment plan the case.

Consultation: Then we have the patient back for a consultation. And in the consultation then we help them understand how we can help them. But this is not something that just happens overnight. It is a process and it is a journey, and we have to plan for it.

Implement Complete Care Dentistry3. Train Your Team

So then the third thing you need to do is, you need to train your team. In order for you to implement complete care dentistry in your practice, you need to have your team trained to be able to support you, in order to do it.

Say for instance, you need to have a team member that can take the photographs. You need a team member that can take the impressions, and have excellent impressions, and be able to mount the models to be able to give you the good information to treatment plan their case.

So use these tips to help you move in the direction of delivering complete care dentistry to your patients. I promise you if you go through this process everybody wins in this process. You as the dentist wins. Your team wins. And most of all, your patients win.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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