Patient communication plays a big role in any dental practice. Even the most trained dentist can fail if her or his practice cannot effectively communicate. 21:25:202023-03-01 21:25:20Your Ultimate Guide to Dental Patient Communication
Dental CE courses are more than something you need to cross off your to-do list. In The Dawson Academy office we have a plaque with a quote on it that […] 21:25:202023-03-17 06:24:06Your Checklist for Selecting Dental CE Courses
We’ve all heard colleagues complain about a dental consultant they hired who wasn’t a good fit for them. Every dental practice has different goals and therefore unique needs. The following […] 21:24:412023-03-17 06:34:24How to Find the Right Dental Consultant
Having had the advantage of more than 60 years in dentistry, I’ve had an opportunity to see the long-term differences that result from different attitudes about what it means to […]
Happiness is something we all strive for. The big question is how do we achieve it? There are many theories on what leads to true happiness. The wisdom literature of […] 21:24:412023-03-17 06:38:49The Secret to How Dentists Can Lead a Happy Life!
Good news! The holidays may threaten to do some damage to your bank account on a personal level, but they can have the opposite affect on your practice. Regardless of […]
As children, our parents often teach us rules to live by. There’s the golden rule, Treat your neighbor as you would like to be treated. Then you may have also […] 21:24:412023-03-17 06:42:526 Rules Every Dentist Should Live By
Can women have a thriving career and still be a great mother and wife (if they choose to be, of course)? This has been a hot question over the past […] 21:23:202023-03-17 07:30:55Career, Family & Fun: Can Female Dentists Have It All?
A generally negative attitude. Inability to concentrate. Feelings of stagnation and frustration. Short temper. Constant exhaustion. Frequent boredom. Do any of these describe you at work? If so, you might […] 21:23:202023-03-17 07:35:43How to Fix Your Burn-Out in Dentistry
It is extremely common in today’s society for patients to be influenced by insurance companies. Patients often believe the insurance company is the last word when it comes to defining […] 21:23:202023-03-18 00:48:45How to Break Out of Your Dental Insurance Mindset