Webinar: Patient Communication that Connects in a Touchless World

The interesting aspect of our need to go touchless is that it brought clarity. We now understand the importance of adaptability and that it simply cannot happen without embracing technology. So, what does that mean for your daily operation strategy? You may need to adjust the course and pivot to re-assess as new information and technology present itself.

Explore virtual patient communication options to provide treatment consultations and high-tech monitoring of patients via text, email, or video. We’ll discuss how to synchronize your patient’s need for modern forms of communication while creating a safe and secure environment.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how to provide a virtual consultation based on the patient demonstration provided
  • Facilitate communication with patients regarding in-office visit expectations
  • Identify effective ways to collect payments
  • Gather and exchange data that can be used to support the delivery of dental care and diagnoses

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