Occlusal Equilibration- Does it work?

Following proper diagnosis and treatment planning, occlusal equilibration can provide selected patients with the most conservative, predictable, and safest treatment possible. Occlusal equilibration can often help avoid the need for […]

How to recognize if your patient should be equilibrated

In the practice of complete dentistry the dentist is committed to an examination, diagnosis, and treatment planning process and has developed the skill of recognizing the signs of instability in […]

Dentists: When You Should Use Anterior Deprogramming Appliance & Why

Lucia jigs, NTI’s, Cranham deprogrammers, and Dawson B-Splints all fall into the broad category of temporomandibular joint disorder diagnosis appliances.  There are specific reasons as to why you may want […]

How to Utilize a Dental Assistant to Equilibrate the Dentition

Equilibration or reshaping of teeth is one of the procedures taught at the Dawson Academy.  The equilibration process begins with step 7 in the 10 Step 3D Treatment planning Checklist […]

Dental Webinar: How to Effectively Equilibrate the Natural Dentition

Following proper diagnosis and treatment planning, occlusal equilibration can provide selected patients with the most conservative, predictable and safest treatment possible.http://dental.thedawsonacademy.com/bid/114241/How-to-recognize-if-your-patient-should-be-equilibrated Occlusal equilibration can often help avoid the need for […]

The Necessity of a Facebow Mounted Cast for Routine Single Crowns

Situation: Let’s assume that we are looking at a patient that has already been equilibrated. The patient is nonsymptomatic and my assumption is that we have gone ahead and verified […]

Dentists: How to Effectively Equilibrate the Natural Dentition

Following proper diagnosis and treatment planning, occlusal equilibration can provide selected patients with the most conservative, predictable and safest treatment possible. Occlusal equilibration can often help avoid the need for more complex […]

Quick Tip: Using the T-Scan for Equilibrations

Some of you already have the T-Scan in your practice from Tekscan. It’s a computerized bite sensor that you can use in initial exams to show patients some of their […]

Dentists: What is fremitus and why is it important?

Fremitus is the perceived vibration of a tooth when it comes into contact with another tooth. This is very important for a number of reasons. It is something we should […]