How proper diagnostic testing can save time and frustration

One of the most important things that we have learned from Dr. Dawson over the years is the importance of diagnosis. One of my other great mentors, Dr. Henry Gremillion also […]

Introduction from intra-oral to digital photography

I often compare the experience of patients coming in to our office and being told that they need to have work done to the experience of us taking our car […]

How do I build confidence to be able to tackle more difficult cases?

How do you build confidence in treating more difficult cases? This question comes up many times during our curriculum, and in many occasions during our teachings, we talk about the […]

How to increase case acceptance using digital photography

We have a lot of tools at our disposal to help us to be able to communicate. And one of those pieces of communication that is existential in getting treatment […]

Are my patients understanding what I am saying?

So one of the questions that I’ve asked myself, is are my patients understanding what I’m saying when they don’t get to see what I see? And I feel like this […]

Why is a facebow transfer is essential to treatment?

So facebows are essential and a key point in dental treatment. We want to capture the facebow records for two very important reasons. By relating the maxillary arch to the […]

What script do I need to order an MRI for a patient?

So what script do we need if we order an MRI on our patient? Now, it used to be, several years ago, that actually MRI was kind of the gold […]

Dentists: Why do we ask “Has your jaw ever locked open or closed?”

Why do we ask for the patient’s TMJ history as a part of our complete exam? Particularly, why do we ask a history of open or closed lock?

How and why we evaluate the “E Position”

Evaluating the E position is part of our 2D checklist when we’re going through to really determine where the length of the incisor ledge is.

What is the Golden Proportion of Dentistry?

The Golden Proportion of dentistry is a mathematical analysis tool for assessing the widths and the dominance of the maxillary anterior teeth. It is done from a frontal photographic view […]