The Big Win: Interdisciplinary Teams Using Complete Dentistry

By Dr. Neeraj Khanna, DDS One of the greatest rewards about practicing complete dentistry is that we have the ability to take complete control of our patient’s care from start […]

5 Essential Skills for Interdisciplinary Treatment

It is such a great time to be a dentist. We are so lucky to have such wonderful specialists that are available to us, to be able to deliver complete […]

Questions you should be asking your specialists and lab technicians.

As general dentists, we methodically work through a patient’s problem list, taking patient specific wants and needs into consideration, to create a roadmap for optimum oral health.  Together with the […]

How to Deal with Another Dentist’s Mistake

At one point or another in your career, you’ll likely have a patient that was treated by another dentist who made some sort of mistake.

Quick Tip- Tips for Communicating With Your Periodontist

Today we’re going to talk about tips for working with your periodontist. When you have that anterior restorative case where you need to change the gingival contours so you have […]

Tips for Communicating With Your Orthodontist

  As we deal with our functional interdisciplinary team, one of the most important and probably difficult specialists for you is going to be your orthodontist, and communicating with the […]

How to Market to Specialists

Today what we’re going to talk about is how do we market to the specialists? As Dawson dentists, Dr. Dawson will always tell us that we really need to surround […]

How General Dentists Can Find a Great Orthodontist

When we start our search for an orthodontist, it’s important that, actually, it’s the right orthodontist. A lot of people will be very willing to work with you, but the […]

Webinar: How to Successfully Diagnose and Treat TMD

As Dr. Dawson has said, “Successful outcomes for patients with temporomandibular disorders can be some of the most rewarding experiences in a general dental practice.” In a study of over […]