AM.png7541662The Dawson Academy Dawson Academy2024-09-24 11:08:342024-09-24 11:09:09The Cervical Spine and TMJ Connection – A New Frontier in Dentistry?
Hi, everybody. My name’s Dr. Leonard Hess. I’m one of the senior faculty members here at the Dawson Academy, and I’d like to spend a few minutes talking with you […] 21:33:022024-01-05 11:08:02How to use splints in your treatment plan
One of our most important decisions in our dental treatment planning process is the treatment position of the TMJ. An easy and effective adjunctive screening tool for TMJ Health is […]
A key element of the Complete Exam and Treatment Planning process is determining the health of the TM Joint. The components of the TMJ-Occlusal exam are: History Range of Motion […] 21:22:402024-01-08 09:16:40Range of Motion Scale: What Is It and Why Do You Need It?
Inspiration for this article: Recently we received the following comment on the blog article, “The Importance of Load Testing” by Dr. Leonard Hess. Comment: I am a past attendee of […]
When dealing with a symptomatic or a suspected TMD patient, we want to follow a series of protocols, no different, really, than we deal with most of our patients. 21:15:112024-01-19 17:20:19How to Treat Unstable or Uncomfortable TMJs
Can you distinguish between Occluso-Muscle Disorders, Intracapsular Disorders and Orofacial Pain Related Disorders? How about what type of splint therapy is appropriate for each scenario? Test your skills in our […]
So when you’re trying to decide if your patients have an internal derangement or an occlusal muscle problem, how do we go about doing that? First part is the screening […] 20:51:332024-01-05 14:36:08How to differentiate between a joint derangement and muscle problem
Why is the physiologically correct position in centric relation the most superior position in the joint space itself? Now, if you’re like me and you went through dental school earlier, […] 20:51:042024-02-12 15:41:25Why the uppermost position is physiologically correct