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Webinar: Management of the Emergency Patient Post COVID and Beyond

Once we resume to business as usual in our dental offices after the current COVID-19 pandemic, we will have an onslaught of emergency patients that have been backlogged and need […]

Webinar | Orthodontic Pearls in Restorative Cases

When the functional matrix of the anterior teeth are combined with the key components of anterior guidance and neutral zone, tooth position is critical to our success. Because of this, […]

Salivary Testing: Dramatically Impact Your Patient & Practice Health

Tooth wear is one of the most obvious manifestations of underlying functional issues.  Surgeons request dentists’ verification of a patient’s dental health before performing open heart surgery or a hip […]

The Management of Worn Anterior Teeth

Tooth wear is one of the most obvious manifestations of underlying functional issues.  There is nothing more fun and rewarding than creating a new smile for someone that is in […]

Webinar: Joints or Muscles – What is your Complete Exam telling you?

As Dr. Dawson said “Every great treatment plan comes from well organized examination and records appointments.” Dr. Johnson will discuss the key aspects of an occlusal muscle exam, what load […]

Webinar: Re-opening Roundtable – Report from the Front Lines

Gain insights into what to do and what not to do as you ease back into practice with our faculty. Dentists, a hygienist and consultant share their experiences reopening their […]

Webinar: Why Dentistry Fails

Avoid clinical failures and create a pathway to treatment predictability. Wonder why some crowns break while others don’t? Why a patient is experiencing pain, but it’s difficult to pinpoint the […]

Orthodontics in Complete Dentistry: When Invisalign is the Best Option

Learn how to make restorative treatment as predictable as possible. Prosthetic treatment of adult patients often requires prior orthodontic preparation. With the loss or wear of teeth, they change their […]