Confessions of a Lab Technician: Dental Lab Communication Mistakes

Dr. Dawson often talks about Dentistry being the best job (and even hobby) in the world, and I’d have to agree.

Dawson Quick Tip: Why Your Lab Must Have Complete Records

So I’d like to talk about how important records are from both the dental chair to the laboratory.

How to Find a Great Dental Lab

I love using the Cerec for single unit crowns and a balanced bite. One or two crowns, especially in the posterior are great. The workflow is easy and I have […]

Networking with Specialists

So creating a network of specialists is not an easy task for a Dawson dentist. Seek specialists that share the same philosphy. It presents with a lot of challenges of finding […]

Why is My Lab Sending Me these Bulky Crowns?

Stop wasting time. Some of our students are really frustrated because they’re getting these incredibly bulky crowns back from their dental lab and they have to spend a lot of […]

Communicating with the lab

Communicating with the lab is paramount to do successful, predictable dentistry. It starts out with exquisite, accurate records on your part.

Are You and Your Lab Technician Speaking the Same Language?

I think one of those essential issues in life for efficiency is communication and communication involves speaking the same language. When we’re dealing with our colleagues on the lab bench for […]

Why is my lab not giving me what I am asking for?

Hi. My name is Dr. Leonard Hess. I’m a senior faculty member at The Dawson Academy, and I’d like to spend a few minutes with you today discussing some of […]

How the digital lab is changing dentistry

Following Dawson Protocols, surgical protocols and diagnostic protocols, everything in our laboratory is designed and created digitally. A major benefit to doing this is patient engagement, speed, efficiency and precision. […]

Dental Webinar | Single Tooth to Complete Care

Dental Webinar | Single Tooth to Complete Care: Your Career Doesn’t Have to be Usual and Customary Are you ready to break out of the dental insurance dictated practice model? To […]